They all had a very good time, but I tell you what as a parent Christmas can be very draining. I think we need to rest all year long like Santa gets too. The excitement kids get makes every moment worth it. Merry Christmas everyone. We miss you all and send our love this holiday season.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas Day!
They all had a very good time, but I tell you what as a parent Christmas can be very draining. I think we need to rest all year long like Santa gets too. The excitement kids get makes every moment worth it. Merry Christmas everyone. We miss you all and send our love this holiday season.
Before Christmas day
Our first Picture with Santa. Yep they did it and they are the ones who wanted to go tell him what they wanted. This was awsome because they let Dad come up and take the picture, we didn't have to buy it.
Our TREE! They were so proud, they got to help pick it out, put on the lights, and put the ornaments on. Tylar is on the right, Christian is on the left.
Here are all three at Nanny's (Nora) house.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Christian's newest foot wear

This was Wednesday after our first visit to the ER. He has a nice hard splint on it.
This is Thanksgiving Day no more hard splint. Yep we had to go back and this is what the ER gave him this time. Nope not done yet!
Monday came along, a trip to the Orthopedic surgeon and yet a third type of new "boot". He is now in a "soccer ball" cast for at least 3 weeks.
More Pixs and updates to come...Hopefully this weekend.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
We have a new digital camera
Monday, November 06, 2006
Newest Pictures

Hey just wanted to put some new pics on here and to update on the whole family.
Travis is waiting for the test on Sat. November 11 for Kettering's Fire department. He is also studying hard for this Quarter of Medic school. He says to please pray for him, both for the test and for this quarter. He doesn't like to say it but he is nervous about passing this quarter.
Elsie is working hard on everything like always. Between home, kids, cleaning houses, and ... and ... and. I think that may be everything she is up to.
Gavin has a cold or something. He isn't keeping much down. So we are having fun with that. He did have his 2 month check up, he is 50% in weight and 60% for height. He was 11 lbs 13.5 oz and was 23 inches long. He is a smile bug, even when he is sick.
The other two are continuing to show their own personalities. They look so much alike but act very little like each other. They both are showing their tempers, but calm down very quickly when they realize no one what to see or here it. The testing of Mommy and Daddy is a daily thing. Grandma and Grandpa(Alan and Lisa) had there first few hours with not only our three kids but the three girls too. Yes all six grandkids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa.
Christian is the big brother that like to help all the time...ALL the time. Even when helping is in the way. But he tries when he can. He even tries to calm Gavin down when he is crying. He decided Gavin was hungry when Elsie was down doing laundry, and tried to give him a bottle of water.
Tylar is the never ending love bug. He always wants to hug and kiss his baby brother. Where's my baby? That is the first question out of his mouth if he does not see Gavin with in 2 seconds. If someone else has "HIS BABY" then he is right there making sure they know who Gavin is and that he is HIS BABY.

Sunday, October 22, 2006
A new post

Sunday, September 03, 2006

You can kinda see her belly. She sure was big...not as big as she was with the boys but she still is big. I will give you a quick update then show you some pics. Everyone is doing great. I have my first final in Paramedic class, one quarter down 3 to go. The boys are getting too big too fast. They are doing pretty good at the potty thing, but not done with the dipers just yet. Now for Gavin... He was born Aug. 31 2006 at 10:41 AM. He was 7 pounds and 20.5 inches long. You want the well fine I will give you the short version. Elsie woke me up at 12:45 AM, Mom came over to keep an eye on the boys. 3 AM they said yep we are keeping you. 7 AM they broke her water. 9:20 AM Elsie started pushing. 10:41 AM Gavin was here. I got to deliver him, the Dr. assisted me with the shoulders and talked me through the rest of it. Mom was in the room with us, her first time and she helped Elsie a lot. Elsie did great. I know you just want to see him right.
The boys stayed at Aunt Angela's and had a blast.
If only they knew what was going on else where...
proud Daddy and Grandpa
bath time, I think I got the only time he really cried
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
More pic that didn't fit on last post

This was right before we left.
After this they didn't want to get out and go home.
OK an update on Christian and his surgery. He ended up having double hernias. But he is doing great. He is up and wanting to run all over, but the poor guy isn't allowed to be too active for two weeks. They don't know these boys do they. I had to go get a case of duct tape for this to happen. Everything will be just fine. We are planning on going to Missouri next week for a long weekend. We are leaving on the 8 around 5ishPM and coming home on the 12. It will be...interesting to say the least. Ang, the girls, Mom, Dad, and my family are all going out. Two vans but leaving the same time. We will see what happens I guess. Oh then starting on the 17 of June Elsie, the boys, and I are going to Bountiful for reunion...I am going to be the camp nurse(yes please pray for me!!!)
Friday, May 26, 2006

From left to right: Katelyn, Tylar, Haley, Christian, Felicia
Christian is in red, Tylar in Bibs, and our little Girl Dixie.
This is Mothers day May 14.
Tylar and Christian's first shave. Tylar is the top picture, Christian Is on the bottom.
These next few pictures Tylar has the bibs on and Christian has the red shirt on.
Westerville fire stations rescue engine.
Like Daddy and Kirk(our God Father)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
So it has been 2 months

Top picture shows us the tongue. Second picture shows us how big. Third picture shows us his penis. Yep another HUNT BOY. Gavin Hugh Hunt to be exact. He is a little over a pound and they say this is normal. His two big brothers are excited to see him. Christian thinks he looks weird though. Tylar is just wondering why he is taking so long to get here.
Oh you want to see them do you. Well fine but you will have to see all of us then. Can you guess who is who? Cause we aren't telling!!
Elsie has Tylar, and I have Christian. GO figure, Tylar is a mommy's boy, and Christian is a daddy's boy...Today anyway. We will post more pictures as soon as we get a good camera, or get some good ones from others. And of course we will keep you posted on Elsie's growth... I mean Gavin's growth(I didn't get hit but I did get a HA HA HA your so funny). I will also let you know on my job hunt. Talk to you soon!!