So I say it will not be long before she is walking and this is why!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Travis was at the fire house for fathers day so we made this for him.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Baylee is 9 months.
Wow we have been so busy. As some if you know Baylee had to have her Adenoids out. I did not know a lot about the adenoids so here is some info that help me.

"The adenoids are a mass of lymphoid tissue in the roof of the nasopharynx, located just inferior to the sphenoid sinus and anterior to the basi-occiput. laterally, the adenoids blend with the lymphoid tissue of the fossa of Rosenmuller near the opening of the eustachian tube.
The adenoids are present in all infants and children, and start to regress just before puberty. They are usually absent in adults.
Large adenoids produce nasal obstruction, mouth breathing, nasal voice, snoring and restless sleep. Chronic mouth breathing during the age when the facial bones are changing toward the adult configuration often produces a high arched palate, the pinching in of the nose and a shortened upper lip, with a staring expression of the eyes. The face becomes slightly elongated and the upper teeth may be prominent. These changes are called adenoid facies.
In addition, hypertrophy of the adenoids may also produce obstruction of the eustachian tubes and contribute to the formation of middle ear"
The adenoids are present in all infants and children, and start to regress just before puberty. They are usually absent in adults.
Large adenoids produce nasal obstruction, mouth breathing, nasal voice, snoring and restless sleep. Chronic mouth breathing during the age when the facial bones are changing toward the adult configuration often produces a high arched palate, the pinching in of the nose and a shortened upper lip, with a staring expression of the eyes. The face becomes slightly elongated and the upper teeth may be prominent. These changes are called adenoid facies.
In addition, hypertrophy of the adenoids may also produce obstruction of the eustachian tubes and contribute to the formation of middle ear"
Baylee's Adenoids were 40% bigger then they should have been, so they are out. We had to be at the hospital for one night. Baylee did so good. She sleep most of the day that she had surgery so at 12am when they came in to get her bp and tmp she wanted to play so from 12 am to 4am we were at the play room. It was a long night but she was happy. Baylee is trying to walk, she pulls her self up all the time every were. This is all I have time for but I will put more on soon! I will leave you with some photos.
Before surgery with her new toy and Daddy!
After surgery she ALWAYS needs to do It all on her own....
This was in the play room at 2am!
This was right before she got to go home.
Home sweet Home!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Tooth Fairy came to see us.
Tylar was the first in our house to lose a tooth. Travis and I toll him that it was going to be 2 or 3 more days before it came out and when we want to get him from school it was out. When we asked him how it came out he tolled us that his friend help him get it out.... nice. this is the note he did for the tooth fairy.

this is the not from the tooth fairy.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My boys are getting so big.
Christian and Tylar had there first thing at school it was to fun to see them. This year has been FULL of discovery and change and a never-ending cycle of learning and exploration. Our kids are so blessed to have family that are there for them to help make all this fun. Tylar looked at me when we got home and said "It made me so happy to have my family with me on my big night." Here is a video that Grandpa help me get.
Only if he knew this is just the first of a lot of big nights to come. Thank you to all that has been there for our kids.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Baylee is 8 mouths old!
She smiles gurgles and"talks" all the time. Baylee is on the go. If she is holding on to something or someone then she can walk. It is so fun to have a baby girl in the house, there is a lot more cute thing I can put on her.
Dear Baylee It has been 8 mouths. Every day I thank God for completing our family with you. I never knew how bad I want a girl but now that I have you i I have you in pink all the time. I don't know how it will be when you are bigger but right now your brothers love playing with you all the time. You are a complex little person, but at the same time, you embody pure simplicity. You need few things to keep you content and happy. You make us pay attention to what is important. Baylee we love you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dear Baylee I know you are # 4 and to feel the need to do all that your brothers are doing. I was ok with the crawling but not with trying to walk. You are my last baby and I would like you to be a baby a little longer. If it makes you happy then I am happy to. So look at her go. (I am just there if she was to fall. She is doing all on her own)
My little girl is getting so big so fast, Or should I say daddy's little girl.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
They would do this all day if I would let them.
Just one more thing to get them to do what I want... lol
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Baylee You are a sweet little girl and we love you so. It is so fun to see how your 3 bothers try to protect you and you are only 7 months. Today I was thinking for one so small you are so strong. Most days you are so happy, you love to play. You are growing so fast (to fast) One week before you were 7m you stared to crawl and now you are every Most of the time you say Dada Dada all day long. Mommy has a lot of fun getting you ready for the day. Baylee I hope you never stop making the world bright.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Better late then never
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wow they are getting so big!
I am one happy mom. Tylar got an Award at school they call it a Character Ed award and his was for Respect. Christian also got one for Caring. It is so good to see that outer people get to see what we see all the time. They have 24 kids in there class'and only 3 kids from each class got an award. Daddy and Grandpa and I got to go and see them get it the boys were happy to see grandpa and show Baylee to there friends. I hope this is how school is going to go for them!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Baylee is 6 Months old!
Wow, I have not been on here a lot. Our little girl has been sick and with the Dr's help we have find out that she has Asthma. But with her being sick a lot that is not stopping her from growing. Baylee is a social butterfly. She likes to "talk" to everyone she sees
The thing Baylee is doing:
Rolls over both ways (front to back and back to front)
She mouths everything.
Smiles, laughs, squeals and is imitating sounds.
She loves to stand
Has two teeth.
Bang things together.
Look at my teeth!

I will have it down here soon.
The thing Baylee is doing:
Rolls over both ways (front to back and back to front)
She mouths everything.
Smiles, laughs, squeals and is imitating sounds.
She loves to stand
Has two teeth.
Bang things together.
I will have it down here soon.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Baylee is 5 months old!
Saturday, January 02, 2010
A Good Christmas and Happy New year
This Christmas was a lot of fun. We had a lot of first:
The boys made a Christmas list (with no help)
We made a gingerbread house (I don't know way we have not done this before)
Baylee did Christmas with us (it was fun to see pick things from Santa)
Gavin got his photo done with Santa ( he would always cry)
Daddy had to work on new years eve.(he works 24h so he came home new years day)
All the kids were up at 12am.( and they were happy)
The older they get the more fun we have. I hope you all had great Christmas and New years. Here are some photos that I like.

The boys made a Christmas list (with no help)
We made a gingerbread house (I don't know way we have not done this before)
Baylee did Christmas with us (it was fun to see pick things from Santa)
Gavin got his photo done with Santa ( he would always cry)
Daddy had to work on new years eve.(he works 24h so he came home new years day)
All the kids were up at 12am.( and they were happy)
The older they get the more fun we have. I hope you all had great Christmas and New years. Here are some photos that I like.
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