I am lucky that I was the one who held you close in the quiet mornings, feeding you and praying for you to become Strong and healthy.You two are amazing examples of a miracle. Raising you has been an adventure, a lesson in patience,frustration and immense joy. You two have made me a better person. Forcing me to set a good example. I hope I have showed you that you need to love yourself and to love others. You will never know what a blessing you are to me. Christian, I often say to you "What would I do without you?" You are my helper and you are always so happy. You make each day fun. I am proud your sweet ways can make strangers smile in the grocery store. You make my bad days good. I love how you look up to your dad and how proud you are to tell others that your dad is a firefighter. Tylar from day one you were my fighter. You had to fight for life you were only 3lb 11oz and you got down to 2lb 10 oz. You make us see the grandest aspects of life in the smallest of details. I love how you talk with your eyes. You are a complex little person but I love you for that. I love you boys happy birthday.

Do you know who is who?