Hey just wanted to put some new pics on here and to update on the whole family.
Travis is waiting for the test on Sat. November 11 for Kettering's Fire department. He is also studying hard for this Quarter of Medic school. He says to please pray for him, both for the test and for this quarter. He doesn't like to say it but he is nervous about passing this quarter.
Elsie is working hard on everything like always. Between home, kids, cleaning houses, and ... and ... and. I think that may be everything she is up to.
Gavin has a cold or something. He isn't keeping much down. So we are having fun with that. He did have his 2 month check up, he is 50% in weight and 60% for height. He was 11 lbs 13.5 oz and was 23 inches long. He is a smile bug, even when he is sick.
The other two are continuing to show their own personalities. They look so much alike but act very little like each other. They both are showing their tempers, but calm down very quickly when they realize no one what to see or here it. The testing of Mommy and Daddy is a daily thing. Grandma and Grandpa(Alan and Lisa) had there first few hours with not only our three kids but the three girls too. Yes all six grandkids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa.
Christian is the big brother that like to help all the time...ALL the time. Even when helping is in the way. But he tries when he can. He even tries to calm Gavin down when he is crying. He decided Gavin was hungry when Elsie was down doing laundry, and tried to give him a bottle of water.
Tylar is the never ending love bug. He always wants to hug and kiss his baby brother. Where's my baby? That is the first question out of his mouth if he does not see Gavin with in 2 seconds. If someone else has "HIS BABY" then he is right there making sure they know who Gavin is and that he is HIS BABY.